Alle roller

How to Date Billy Walsh
2024, Film - Komedie, Romantik
Ligene er ligeglade
1985, Film - Komedie, Gyser
My Uncle John Is a Zombie!
2017, Film - Komedie, Gyser
Horrible Horror
1986, Film - Dokumentar
The American Nightmare
2000, Film - Dokumentar, Gyser
2004, Film - Dokumentar, Gyser
The Dead Walk: Remaking a Classic
1999, Film - Dokumentar
Drive-In Madness
1987, Film - Dokumentar, Gyser
The Majorettes
1986, Film - Action, Krimi, Mysterium
There's Always Vanilla
1971, Film - Drama, Komedie, Romantik
The Booby Hatch
1976, Film - Komedie